Category: Text
2014 general elections mark history books (OPINION)
Originally printed in the Nov. 3, 2014 edition of the Sunflower, opinion column. Well, folks, it is that time of year again — the seemingly unending barrage of political ads, campaign phone calls, yard signs and informational walk cards flooding mailboxes everywhere. The general elections are right around the corner and this year is making…
Shockerthon surpasses fundraising goal
Originally printed in the Nov. 24, 2014 edition of the Sunflower. As 13-year-old Hannah Lindner got on stage to sing the hit song, “Let it Go,” on Saturday, a crowd gathered around her, emanating cheers of encouragement and screams of her name. After the performance, Hannah left the stage with a little help — someone…
A windy future for the Flint Hills
Driving along Latham-Beaumont road, just south of Beaumont, Kan., pavement quickly turns to dirt, and spindly, hulking, rotating structures command attention, as they whirr in the breeze. “They look like big, giant flowers,” said Pete Ferrell. Ferrell, owner of the Ferrell Ranch and 4L Grazing Company in Beaumont thinks about the 100 electrical wind turbines…